(fluticasone propionate
meg and
meg inhalation powder)
D id
y o u
k n o w
a s t h m a
h a s
t w o
m ain
c a u s e s ?
ADVAIR DISKUS is for the treatment of asthma in patients 4 years and older.
ADVAIR should be used only if your healthcare provider decides that your
asthma is not well controlled with a long-term asthma control medicine,
such as an inhaled corticosteroid.
Im p o r t a n t S a f e t y In f o r m a t io n
A b o u t A D V A IR
D I S K U S f o r A s t h m a
People with asthma who take long-acting beta2-adrenergic agonist (LABA)
medicines, such as salmeterol (one of the medicines in ADVAIR DISKUS), have an
increased risk of death from asthma problems. It is not known whether fluticasone
propionate, the other medicine in ADVAIR DISKUS, reduces the risk of death from asthma
problems seen with salmeterol.
- Call your healthcare provider if breathing problems worsen over time while using
ADVAIR. You may need different treatment.
- Get emergency medical care if breathing problems worsen quickly and you use your
rescue inhaler medicine, but it does not relieve your breathing problems.
A ir w a y
c o n s t r ic t io n
a n d
in fla m m a tio n .
• ADVAIR should be used only if your healthcare provider decides that your asthma is not well
controlled with a long-term asthma control medicine, such as an inhaled corticosteroid.
When your asthma is well controlled, your healthcare provider may tell you to stop
taking ADVAIR. Your healthcare provider will decide if you can stop ADVAIR without
loss of asthma control. Your healthcare provider may prescribe a different asthma
control medicine for you, such as an inhaled corticosteroid.
t r e a t s
b o th
o f th e m .
Children and adolescents with asthma who take LABA medicines may have an
increased risk of hospitalization for asthma problems.
Do not use ADVAIR to treat sudden, severe symptoms of asthma. Always have a
rescue inhaler medicine with you to treat sudden symptoms.
Do not use ADVAIR DISKUS if you have severe allergy to milk proteins. Ask your doctor if
you are not sure. Do not use ADVAIR more often than prescribed. Do not take ADVAIR
with other medicines that contain a LABA for any reason. Tell your doctor about medicines
you take and about all of your medical conditions.
Which helps
prevent symptoms
from occurring in
the first place.
ADVAIR DISKUS can cause serious side effects, including:
- serious allergic reactions. Call your healthcare provider or get emergency medical
care if you get any of the following symptoms of a serious allergic reaction: rash;
hives; swelling of the face, mouth, and tongue; breathing problems.
- sudden breathing problems immediately after inhaling your medicine
- effects on heart: increased blood pressure; a fast and irregular heartbeat;
chest pain
- effects on nervous system: tremor; nervousness
- reduced adrenal function (may result in loss of energy)
- changes in blood (sugar, potassium, certain types of white blood cells)
- weakened immune system and a higher chance of infections. You should
avoid exposure to chickenpox and measles, and, if exposed, consult your
healthcare provider without delay. Worsening of existing tuberculosis, fungal,
bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections, or ocular herpes simplex may occur.
- lower bone mineral density. This may be a problem for people who already have
a higher chance of low bone density (osteoporosis).
- eye problems including glaucoma and cataracts. You should have regular eye
exams while using ADVAIR.
- slowed growth in children. A child’s growth should be checked often.
ADVAIR is not
for, and should not
be used to treat, sudden,
severe symptoms of
asthma. It won't replace
a rescue inhaler.
• Common side effects of ADVAIR DISKUS include upper respiratory tract infection,
throat irritation, hoarseness and voice changes, thrush in the mouth and throat,
bronchitis, cough, headache, nausea, and vomiting. In children with asthma,
infections in the ear, nose, and throat are common.
Please see summary of Important Safety Information about
ADVAIR DISKUS on next page.
You are encouraged to report negative sid e effects o f prescription drugs
to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/m edwatch, or ca ll
8 0 0
G e t y o u r f i r s t f u ll
p r e s c r i p t i o n
F R E E *
V is it A D V A IR .c o m
‘ Subject to eligibility.
GS^ y o u
If you don’t have prescription coverage
and can’t afford your medicines.
or call
1 -866-GSK-FOR-U
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